Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad exists and operates solely through the generous donations we receive from the community. Your financial support is crucial to our ability to operate! There are many opportunities for you to show your support for TVRS as we are happy to team up with local business and individual supporters.
- Financial donations
- All donations to TVRS are tax deductible. We have zero paid staff, so every dollar donated goes directly to supporting our 24/7 efforts to provide emergency medical services to the citizens of Henrico County. Click here to donate!
- Host a fundraiser for us
- We regularly partner with local restaurants to raise funds to support TVRS and other rescue squads. If you’d like to host a fundraiser, please reach to
Rain, shine, sleet, or snow, we volunteer to serve the citizens of Henrico 24/7/365. No matter how small a gift is, we appreciate any and all support to our volunteer organization!