Membership Expectations
New members will be assigned to either a day shift or night shift crew as a probationary member, depending on your availability. Day shifts crews ride the same day every week from 6am – 6pm. Night shift crews ride every 8th night – from 6pm – 6am.
Crew Duty Schedule
Members are assigned to either a day shift or a night shift crew, based on their preference, availability and the needs of the squad. If assigned to a day shift, members ride the same day every week (ex: every Monday or every Wednesday). This schedule does not rotate. The shift is always 6am to 6pm.
If assigned to a night shift, members ride from 6pm to 6am every 8th night. So, if your duty shift is Monday night this week, it will be Tuesday night the following week, then Wednesday night the 3rd week and so on.
Your crew chief will direct your training. Within 6 months, you’ll be cleared as an “Attendant.” This means you’re operating as a fully competent EMT, you’re capable of operating all equipment on the ambulance, you’re familiar with our operational procedures and you’re able to assist ALS providers with advanced life support skills.

Within a year of joining, you’ll be cleared as a “Driver” or an “Attendant in Charge” or both!
In addition to completing an Emergency Vehicle Operators Course, drivers receive extensive training on how to safely operate the ambulance on emergency calls, scene safety and traffic management. Attendants in charge, or AIC’s, direct the crew on an emergency call. AIC’s are responsible for navigating to the scene, patient and family interactions, treatment decisions and selecting the most appropriate hospital for transportation.
NOTE: We do accept members who are only interested in driving an ambulance and not becoming an AIC. See our FAQ page for more details.
Because TVRS is a member-run organization, there are opportunities for you to get involved in more than just running 9-1-1 calls. Our members serve as our Board of Directors as well as fulfilling other critical roles such as training, managing medical supplies and equipment, keeping the ambulances running and overseeing our daily operations.

Have questions? Contact our MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE for more information.